Be advised of the following:
- Confirm that you have requested the correct section number. Permission codes only work for the section to which they are assigned and can only be used once.
- It may take up to ONE WEEK (5 business days) for your request to be processed.
- All responses will be sent to the requestor's university email account. Please check your junk email if you have not received your code.
- Do not send multiple requests and please do not call asking us to expedite your request; it will prolong the process.
- All permission code requests are processed in the order that they were received. Permission codes will not be issued via appointment or over the phone.
- If you took prerequisites at a different university (outside of Utah), you will need to have those evaluated before we can issue a permission code. See the Q&A below for links.
Once you have read and understand that information above, please select the link below to request a permission code.

PHYS 2010 and 2020 are separate half-semester courses, and you must register for both courses. Make sure that you register for PHYS 2010, then request a permission code for PHYS 2020.
MATH 1060 or higher is required to register for PHYS 2010. MATH 1070 does not fulfill that requirement.
We are not able to add extra students to any section. If a section is full, you can join that section's waitlist.
Common issues include not meeting prerequisites, the course is full, or a time conflict. Please check these three things before requesting a permission code.
Unfortunately, once a course is filled, it is filled. This is especially the case with lab sections as we have to be in compliance with safety regulations. Try using schedule builder to see if there is any other way to plan your semester. Otherwise, we encourage you to watch the enrollment as enrollment numbers frequently change during the first week of classes.
If you took the prerequisite at a college or university in Utah, please make sure that your official transcript has been sent to the University of Utah. You will need to request a permission code for the course you want to take.
If you took the prerequisite at a college or university outside of Utah and your courses do not show up on your Degree Audit, please complete a Transfer Course Evaluation Form for each physics course that you want to use as a prerequisite. You will also need to have your math courses evaluated by the math department.
Your courses will need to be evaluated before you are issued a permission code. You are also responsible for making sure an official transcript is sent to the University of Utah.
You should receive your permission code within a week (or 5 business days). Please check your university email account, as all permission codes will be sent there.
Please be patient as we receive a large number of requests and process the requests as fast as we can. All permission code requests are processed in the order they are received.
Permission codes will only work for the section it was assigned and can only be used once. If you are still having trouble, email
When you enroll in a discussion section, it automatically enrolls you in the lecture associated with the discussion section.
When requesting a permission code, please request the correct discussion section you need. We will not be able to issue a permission code based on the lecture.
Try removing the course from your shopping cart and add it again. The box for the permission code should appear.
You can email the Physics Permission Code Team at to make changes to the section you have requested.
If you are checking on the status of your permission code request, you must wait 5 business days after your request.
The last day to add classes without a permission code is the first Friday of the semester. For exact dates, check the Academic Calendar published by the Registrar's Office.
After this date, you must receive instructor's consent to receive a permission code and/or enroll in the course.
If you need to attach documentation (AP scores, unofficial transcripts, etc), please email it to
It is your responsibility to make sure your official scores and transcripts are sent to the University of Utah Admissions office. No scores and transcripts sent to this email will be forwarded, but will only be used for permission code purposes.
Undergraduate Program
- Undergraduate Program Overview
- Academic Advising
- Campus Resources
- Career Resources
- Honors Program
- Majors, Emphases & Minors
- Permissions Codes & Transfer Evaluations
- Scholarships
- Student Employment and Involvement
- Tutoring Resources
- Undergraduate FAQ
- Undergraduate Handbook
- REU Opportunities
- SURF Opportunities
- Undergraduate Research