The Physics and Astronomy Honors Program is designed to give a richer educational experience to students in the University of Utah's Honors College pursuing their Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Utah. For information on (DHL), visit
The program helps students engage in serious research and take classes in an accelerated curriculum. The centerpiece of an honors degree in physics is a project culminating in the submission of a written thesis and the presentation of the student's work in a public forum. The honors degree is is conferred by the Honors College. The requirements for fulfilling an honors degree are detailed below, and include keeping a GPA above 3.5, taking honors level courses, and completing a thesis project.
Requirements for the Honors B.S. in Physics:
Students seeking an honors degree must first be enrolled in the University’s honors program.
The Honors College core requirements for an Honors degree include:
- Take two Intellectual Traditions courses (HON 2101-2108, 3900). These courses also fulfill the University's HF requirement, but you may not AP test out of this requirement.
- Take an Honors Writing Course (HON 2211, 3200, 3800).
- Follow the Honors thesis timeline, including filling out an Honors Thesis Form, by Sept. 15th for May graduation. More information, form is available here.
- Meet all University and Departmental requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics.
- An "Application for Undergraduate Degree" form must be completed on CIS by the appropriate deadline.
- GPA requirement:
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 overall,
- a minimum grade of B in all Physics courses,
- and a cumulative GPA of 3.5 in all Physics courses.
- Earn at least 9 hours of Honors-designated courses, preferably in Physics.
- Complete 3 hours of PHYS 4999.
- Complete an Honors thesis and present it in a public forum.
- The following Physics courses are Honors-designated:
- PHYS 3729: Honors Undergraduate Physics Laboratory (4)
- PHYS 4410: Advanced Mechanics(4)
- PHYS 4800: Undergraduate Research (1 to 6) [requires instructor’s signature]
- PHYS 5450: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (4)
- PHYS 5460: Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics (4)
- PHYS 5510: Solid State Physics I (3)
- PHYS 5520: Solid State Physics II (3)
- PHYS/ASTR 5560: Stars Stellar Populations (3)
- PHYS/ASTR 5570: Galaxies (3)
- PHYS/ASTR 5580: Cosmology (3)
- PHYS/ASTR 5590: Stellar Astrophysics and Compact Objects (3)
- PHYS/ASTR 6XXX: Any 6000-level Physics or Astronomy course
- PHYS/ASTR 7XXX: Any 7000-level Physics or Astronomy course
Complete a senior honors thesis and 3 credits of PHYS 4999. This thesis should be original Physics or Astronomy-related research done under the direction of a P&A faculty member. Students interested in honors should start looking for a faculty member no later than the summer preceding their senior year. You are encouraged to apply for UROP funds for summer funding. Typically students work within a faculty member's lab or group for a year or more before completing their thesis. The thesis should document the results of their project and must be approved by the Physics Honors Committee and bear the signature of the Physics Honors Advisor.
Students may do interdisciplinary research in other departments, but the research must have a clear physics or astronomy component. They will need a faculty mentor in Physics and Astronomy to advise their project.
Present the results of your project in an appropriate public forum approved by the Physics Honors Committee (e.g. seminar, University Undergraduate Research Symposium, meetings of the American Physical Society, etc.)
Undergraduate Program
- Undergraduate Program Overview
- Academic Advising
- Campus Resources
- Career Resources
- Honors Program
- Majors, Emphases & Minors
- Permissions Codes & Transfer Evaluations
- Scholarships
- Student Employment and Involvement
- Tutoring Resources
- Undergraduate FAQ
- Undergraduate Handbook
- REU Opportunities
- SURF Opportunities
- Undergraduate Research
Research Experiences for Undergrads
The Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Utah offers a research experience program in physics and astronomy that allows undergraduate students to work closely with a faculty mentor and their research group on an individual project.
All interested students are invited to apply for this 10-week summer program.