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Home Computing Services

Computing Services

The department has excellent in-house computing facilities supported by two staff members who work in conjunction with computing staff in the Mathematics and other campus resources and departments.

  • The department maintains several remotely accessible file servers and small UNIX compute servers.
  • Provides licensing for a wide variety of research- and education-oriented software, and e-mail services.
  • We provide desktop support to department members for Windows, MacOS, and UNIX.
  • A fiber-optic network connects our buildings and the rest of the campus with the Utah Educational Network and to the national Internet2 network.


Computer Help
Get assistance with university computing needs.
Computer Help
New Account
Request a new computing account.
Request New Account
Account Renewal
Renew an existing computer account.
Renew Account
Campus VPN Help
Access exclusive U of U resources while off-campus.
Campus VPN Help
Software Help
Help finding & installing software available to the department.
Software Help
Email Assistance
Get assistance with email aliases, forwarding and vacation auto-responses.
Get Help with Email
RDT Setup Help
Configure your office computer to handle remote desktop connections.
RDT Setup
Remote Desktop Help
Connect to department servers & workstations using Remote Desktop.
Remote Desktop Help

Additional Computing Information

For assistance with university computing needs see the Computer Help page.

The Office of Software Licensing provides access to deeply discounted software packages, and several free software suites for students, faculty, and staff.

For help with Faculty pages on please, send an email to describing your request or problem.

The University's Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC) maintains state-of-the-art commodity clusters for high performance computing needs with expert consultants to assist campus users in high performance computing. Generally for a small fee.

Computing Personnel

Wayne Springer
Wayne Springer
Computing Committee Chair
216 SP
(801) 585-1390
Brad Hawks
Brad Hawks
Unix Systems Administrator
308 JFB
(801) 585-5801

Responsibilities: All aspects of departmental IT; servers, networking, hardware, & software.

Minimum Requirements for Connecting a Computer to the Network

Computers that require a static IP will need to meet items 1-6

  1. Only PROFESSIONAL versions of operating system are acceptable. NOT home versions.
  2. They must have the latest service packs, security patches, and updates.
  3. They must have Anti-virus software with up to date signatures.
  4. They must have a firewall enabled.
  5. They must use password protected logins.
  6. Administrator account is for IT personnel exclusive use. Computers that do not require static IP (laptops, netbooks, tablets, etc) only need to meet steps 2-5.

Need computer help?

For assistance with university computing needs visit our Computer Help page.

Computer Help