Anil Seth, Jordan Gerton and several members of the Department spearheaded an event to host a Saturday-morning high school physics teacher workshop. This event was held March 27 when 15 local physics teachers joined PandA members in CSC and JFB. Presentations included:
“Finding the Nearest Massive Black Hole” (Anil Seth) — a short talk about an exciting new result
Teaching Energy with Active Learning techniques + Breakouts on Astro, Physics Education Research Literature, or Active Learning in Large Classes (Kevin Davenport, Claudia De Grandi, Kelby Hahn, Rhett Zollinger)
Demos with Adam Beehler including make-your-own Electroscope. (James Fletcher Building 101)
Lunch from Vessel Kitchen was provided with U of Utah P&A Faculty & Staff.
The organizers and presenters were happy with the turnout. Teacher evaluations of the experience revealed they enjoyed the activities and most would be interested in more events like this one. Their comments will also help to form the content and format of future workshops. Thanks to all who generously shared a valuable Saturday with the Department, provided presentations, and helped to organize the details for this event.