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ICECUBE Masterclass 4-27


The inaugural ICECUBE Masterclass took place in Crocker Science Center 206, where about 30 people spent their Saturday learning about neutrino research near the South Pole in the Antarctic.  Several ICECUBE collaborators, including Carsten Rott, Dennis Soldin and Yosuke Ashida provided overviews of astroparticle physics research, and followed these presentations with an introduction to particle […]

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Catching neutrinos in Utah – CERN Courier


This article originally appeared in CERNCourier   Neutrinos are the least understood of all elementary particles, and the fact that they have mass is a firm indication of physics beyond the Standard Model. Decades of effort have been devoted to exploring the properties of neutrinos. However, there are still many important questions to address. For example, […]

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